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ysladmin 2024-07-24
景区风景介绍背景音乐_介绍风景区的背景音乐       好久不见了,今天我想和大家探讨一下关于“景区风景介绍背景音乐”的话题。如果你对这个领域还不太熟悉,那么这篇文章就是为你准备的,让我们一起





       Who Will I Run To? - Paulini

       You were the one who

       I could tell my deepest fears

       And you were the one who

       always wiped away my tears

       When he hurt me you were my prince

       sent straight from above

       Like a fool I never saw

       you were falling in love

       So no I've lost everything,

       cause now you say you're gone forever more

       So who will I

       Who will I run to

       Who will I turn to

       Now that you've left me behind,

       who will dry my tears when I cry

       Who will I run to

       And who will I turn to

       Now that you're not here, in my life

       You were the one

       I took for granted all those years

       And you were the one

       I should've known, it was so clear

       How could I be so blind not to

       see what's before my eyes

       I'll get you back here with me

       if it takes the rest of my life

       Cause I would do anything,

       cause I want you back forever more

       who will I

       Who will I run to

       Who will I turn to

       Now that you've left me behind,

       who will dry my tears, when I cry

       Who will I run to

       And who will I turn to

       Now that you're not here in my life

       I will gladly journey

       cross the deep blue sea

       If I could know that

       I would he you here with me

       I realize that I was blind, but now I finally see

       I need you back here in my life... Oh baby can it be

       Who will I run to

       Who will I turn to

       Now that you've left me behind,

       who will dry my tears, when I cry

       Who will I run to

       And who will I turn to

       Now that you're not here in my life

       Who will be there for me

       Who's gonna' rescue me

       Who's gonna' share my dreams

       Who's gonna' mend this broken heart

       my heart babby baby

       who will i run to

       who will i trun to

       now that you're not here in my life






       胡立山要塞每天八点半(冬季九点)的“欢迎仪式”说明胡立山要塞建成时,福建水师提督带领全体将士打开城门,舞旗迎客。一边被游客检查,一边宣传堡垒“八福建门、天南锁钥匙”的威力。虎山炮台每天10: 00、16: 00,景区内都有红色彝族炮兵的表演。红易炮兵清兵的历史原型是清朝八旗正红旗、正黄旗仪仗队的示范。整场演出使用了背景音乐、八旗服饰、铠甲、佩剑、战鼓、青龙旗等。并通过情景表演再现了清代红夷火炮(仿古演示弹)的表演和发射过程。
